In the state of California, the vehicle code mandates that all vehicles must display two license plates: one on the front and one on the rear of the vehicle. Failure to comply with this regulation can result in a traffic citation that can cost up to $500. This is not a minor infraction and can lead to a significant financial burden.
To avoid this inconvenience and potential financial setback, there is a simple solution that does not involve any alteration or damage to your vehicle’s front end clip. We offer a product known as the WCF Front License Plate Mount. This mount is specifically designed to hold your front license plate in a manner that complies with California’s vehicle code.
One of the key benefits of our WCF Front License Plate Mounts is the ease of installation. You do not need any specialized tools or mechanical skills to install these mounts. The installation process is straightforward and can be completed in a short amount of time.
Moreover, our mounts are designed to be non-damaging to your vehicle. They do not require any drilling or permanent alteration to your vehicle’s body. This means you can maintain the integrity and aesthetic appeal of your vehicle while still adhering to the state’s vehicle code.
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