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12″ Corvette Rotor/Fiero Caliper Mounting Hardware


The West Coast Fiero 12″ Corvette Rotor/Fiero Caliper Mounting Hardware is specifically designed to work with the 12″ Corvette Brake Kit and Brake Components. The stock caliper design facilitates using the 12 inch rotor, keeping full brake pad contact on the rotor. Stock brake lines will work well with this upgrade, however, steel-braided brake lines are recommended for a better brake pedal feel.

*We recommend new brake pads when doing this installation.

Caliper Mounting  Adapters

These custom Fiero front adapters couple the 1988 Fiero calipers to the existing Fiero suspension. New hardware is provided for mounting these adapters. With our Fiero adapters, no modification to the caliper is necessary, easily facilitating this installation. Total installation time required is about 10 minutes.

Re-machined front Vet rotors and concentricity rings.

The concentricity rings are required when mounting the new Vet rotors on your Fiero. The rotors have been re-drilled for 5/100 bolt pattern. We use these rotors because they are easily accessible for future replacement, should it ever become necessary.

This brake kit will NOT work on the 15 Inch stock wheels.
Sixteen inch (16″) or larger wheels are required for clearance on this larger brake installation. These new front brakes afford considerably more braking power to the front of the vehicle. We, therefore, recommend defeating the rear proportioning valve to enable more brake pressure to the rear brake system to complement the stopping power of the new 12 Inch front brakes.

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